Abstract submission information
December 14, 2015
Abstracts may be submitted for oral or poster presentations and will be reviewed by the Organizers. The Scientific Committee will review abstracts sent for the oral session lectures and select the most appropriate and interesting ones. Simultaneously, participants whose abstracts are not chosen for oral presentation should present their study in the form of poster. Information about abstracts selection will be sent via email to corresponding addresses. Authors selected for oral session lectures will be asked to present short oral communications (Power Point format). Expected time for each oral presentation should not exceed 15 minutes (20 minutes with audience questions) and will be restricted by the Chairperson.
Please note that abstract submission is done during the registration process.
The deadline for registration and abstract submission is July 30, 2016.
Contributed abstracts must be written in English (Word format) not exceeding one A4 page and should have the following format:
- Title
- Authors (e-mail of corresponding author in footnote)
- Affiliation
- Keywords
- Aim
- Materials and methods
- Results
- Conclusions
For each abstract only one topic may be chosen.
Template of the abstract available here (.doc attachment)
Special Issue of International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation
We are delighted to inform that Participants of the conference will have the opportunity to submit full text research papers related to their presentations for publication in a special issue of International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation.
Please send manuscript via e-mail (biodeterioration2016@info.p.lodz.pl) until September 30, 2016. Please note that after submission the normal peer-review process will be followed. For information on manuscript preparation please see Guide for Authors, click this link.